Random II # 755 Photographer Leila Jeffreys

Random II # 755

Photographer Leila Jeffreys started geeking out on avians more than 10 years ago, after buying a field guide and binoculars to identify the birds in her backyard in Sydney, Australia. Soon she was traveling to national parks around the country to watch and photograph them. "I had this idea to photograph birds in a way that everybody could appreciate them, not just birdwatchers,” Jefferys said. Her portrait series 'Ornithurae' spotlights 15 surprisingly colorful (or otherwise fabulous) members of the Columbidae bird family, which includes pigeons and doves. This gorgeous bird is the Nicobar Pigeon—notable for its long, blue-gray neck feathers that are often thought to resemble a mane. See, they're not all just winged rats! 

See more of Jeffreys stunning avian portraits here: https://www.wired.com/story/exotic-pigeons
Image may contain: bird

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