Preoccupation: The Absence of Consciousness?

Image Credit: George Hodan

AUGUST 7, 2018

imagine walking down a crowded street of people who are sitting, standing idly, texting or merely walking in a trance where the verbal conversation is absent or invasive. Suppose you walk down that crowded street where observation is an alien occurrence and the only sounds you hear is an occasional honk of a horn, the roaring engine of a transit bus or garbage truck emptying a dumpster, or the periodic sounds of steam hissing from an outdoor pipe?

Imagine walking down a crowded street where some people are facing forward but aren’t really looking at anything in particular. Others may be looking down at their digital devices or trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. Have we been easily swayed into becoming accustomed to a misguided trance of life? Has preoccupation become the norm in the absence of consciousness?

How do you know where you’re going if you are unaware of where you are, and forgot where you’ve been? When there is no one to ask because no one is talking, do you discover they too are oblivious to where they are going because they have no idea where they are?


From Behind the Pen

Purpose Is The Key To Creation Manifested Through Vision!

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