15 Cutest Wild Animals on Earth

Everyone loves an adorable animal! We gathered a list of 15 of the worlds CUTEST animals that have ever lived, just wait for number 

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Title: Pygmy Hippos

7. The pygmy hippo is just like a regular hippo except that it is much smaller and much cuter by far. These little forest-dwellers are nocturnal and prefer to sleep during the day. They generally live in swamps in their home territory of West Africa.These swamps are usually surrounded by forest which makes the ideal habitat for these adorable little herbivores.

Title: Mandarin Duck

6. The mandarin duck floats along in the water with its beautiful colors showing and making it absolutely radiate with color and vibrancy. The mandarin duck is a duck that calls the area of East Asia its home. It is very closely related to the American Wood Duck, but this duck is by far the cuter of the two. Its colors are so finely detailed and flowing that it is hard to believe that these ducks are born this way. These are one of the most beautiful animals in the wild in addition to being one of the cutest.

Title: Rosy Maple Moth

5. The rosy maple moth is a spectacular example of how beautiful nature can truly be. This moth is absolutely beautiful with flowing pink and yellow colors marking its body all over. It is a large moth that is native to North America. They are incredibly cute with yellow and pink fluffs of hair coating their body from head to abdomen to toe. These moths mainly eat maple trees and they can be found fairly easy in the wild. They are completely harmless, so there is no fear of being hurt by one, just be sure not to hurt it. A beautiful piece of nature such as this should be protected not harmed.

Title: Bearded Tamarin Monkey

4. The bearded tamarin is a small monkey that features an exceptional mustache. They are so small and adorable and their mustaches make them look like little old men. They have dark black eyes and soft features which make for an absolutely irresistible cuteness that cannot be staved off. These little guys live exclusively in the Amazon basin of South America. They love the forested mountain regions, it is the environment that they are adapted to.

Title: Blue Penguins

3. Blue penguins also go by the name little penguins and this speaks for itself. They are very small penguins who have blue feathers and a small build. They only grow to be a little bit over a foot tall and they are absolutely adorable as a species. They are found on the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand, but there is evidence pointing that they may also be in Chile. The have small pink feet and a white and blue coat of feathers, making them look cute and tiny in every picture you see. These little guys are absolutely magnificent in the realm of cuteness, in fact, if you do not watch out you may overdose on cutene

2. Sea otters are absolutely adorable. They float through the water on the back while holding their cute little bellies. They are soft, furry, and lovable. The sea otter has a talent for getting into tough sources of food. Their main diet consists of mussels and clams, however, these are hard to eat when they are shelled up. The otter’s solution is a simple yet ingenious one. They take the shell of their intended food and they smash them against rocks until they can access the treasures inside. Otters are not only one of the most adorable animals in the naturally known world, but they are also ingenious problem solvers.

Title: Hedgehog 

Hedgehogs are some of the most notoriously cute animals of all time. They are small balls of fluff with magnificent hair and a tiny little face. They are sure to make you oo and ah over the pure cuteness of this adorable little animal. A lot of people confuse the porcupine with the hedgehog. These little guys are not porcupines, porcupines have sharp hair-like spikes on their backs, not soft and very sharp. The importance of the difference between these two is very important, you do not want to accidentally pick up a “hedgehog” just to find it is a porcupine and get cut by it. Nevertheless, the hedgehog deserves the number one slot on this list, because it is the most perfect example of absolute cuteness This is a fact that cannot be denied.

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